“It was the best $100 I ever spent.”

I say it all the time when I’m fly fishing, “It was the best $100 I ever spent.” What I’m talking about is the zipper on my Simms G4Z Waders. And I am frequently asked. The “Z” is for zipper. The zippered G4Zs are $100 more than the regular G4s. Without getting into gory details, many of us males over 40 have to go frequently. And if you fly fish you very well know what a pain it is to unbuckle to pull your waders down to pee. Guys in float tubes drown every year trying to pee when they flip over and get stuck…literally stuck with their pants down. If you add a jacket or sweatshirt to the mix it’s even more of a pain. Those you of you who steelhead know what a drenched ordeal it is to un-jacket, unbuckle, un-wader and pee while it’s raining or snowing sideways on you.

Is overcoming all that hassle and misery and risk worth it to you? I staved off the zipper for years. But, now that I have them I will never ever get another pair of waders without a zipper.

Simms G4Z

Many companies now have zippered models on their waders. Simms, HQ’d in Bozeman, MT is genuinely accepted as the best wader company in the world; certainly the best of the major manufacturers. But, Simms aren’t for everyone. And with an $800 price tag, the G4Zs aren’t for everyone by any stretch. I believe the G4Zs are the most expensive waders on the planet. But, if you aren’t a guide or a bushwhacker you really don’t need them.

You can buy new waders anywhere from $75 to $800. What’s right for you? Well, if you fish 1-3 times a year from a drift boat the $75 models are going to be great for you.

If you fish more than 60 days a year you are going to need something durable like the G4s. If you bushwhack you definitely need the G4s or one of the competitive products. I’ll do almost anything to get to good water: That includes climbing over fallen trees, sliding down a granite face or climbing a mountainside.

I’m the cheapest guy in the world and I internet shop the hell out of everything. Well, the G4Zs are just one of those products. You could search for months and never find a deal. So, if you are one of those old guy fly fisherman who are hard on the waders like me. Do yourself a favor and get the G4Zs.

You can buy them from the North Platte River Fly shop here. I like those guys. Great customer service.

One thought on ““It was the best $100 I ever spent.”

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