InterKnowlogy / VSBLTY

In 1999 Tim Huckaby founded InterKnowlogy (IK), a custom application development company that continues to flourish over 20 years later. Missing his software product roots Tim learned at Microsoft, in 2011 Tim founded Actus Interactive Software, which eventually morphed into VSBLTY, which was formed in 2015 and is now a public company traded on the CSE.

VSBLTY, is the leader in innovative facial and object recognition software solutions, enables a special combination of targeted interactive content with real-time data collection. VSBLTY is a comprehensive, patent-pending SaaS software solution that utilizes proprietary optics and software to deliver groundbreaking digital display, real-time data at point of engagement, and uniquely effective security and surveillance applications.

VSBLTY enjoys over 125 years of subject matter expertise in the areas of digital signage, content management, public space operations and monetization, and facial analytics for industries such as retail, airports, sporting stadiums, public spaces and so on.